

Specialized Training: Making the Time for Value

Overcoming the Obstacles

Specialized training presents a prime opportunity to expand your knowledge base and critical skills. The obstacles most professionals face is the expense of the training and finding the time in a fast paced environment to attend the courses. In today’s work environment, between finding the time to manage meetings, burgeoning email streams and other administrative tasks, many professionals find it challenging to juggle productive tasks and administrative requirements. Many spend significant amount of time after work, at home, getting things accomplished that should have been done during the normal workday. If you then consider taking a few days or weeks away from your work environment to attend training is almost unbearable and overwhelming.Ā Despite the potential drawbacks, training and development provides both the company as a whole and the individual professional with benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile investment.

Making Time for Specialized Training

Fact is, your ability to master specific skills is crucial for your professional development, growth and promotion. As a Six Sigma or Lean professional, obtaining your core certifications is simply a foundation. Without specialized training, achieving higher professional competence and promotion will hinge directly on your ability to master specialized skills. Mastering those specialized skills will require you to attend specialized training in the Six Sigma and Lean career fields. To achieve these crucial training objects, finding a partner-provider that can offer access to these specialized training skills with scheduling flexibility and affordability is the challenge.

Specialized Training Opportunities with 6Sigma.us

For Six Sigma and Lean professionals, 6Sigma.us offers balanced and comprehensive opportunities for specialized training that is crucial to success. 6Sigma.us offersĀ specialized training classes that range from Design for Six Sigma – DFSS programs conducted online or on-site to Minitab training at introductory and advanced levels. These programs are also customizable to fit the needs of your organization:

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

diss, six sigma, 6sigma.us

Six Sigma Champion Leadership Program

champions program, six sigma, 6sigma.us

Minitab Software

minitab17, sixsigma, 6sigma.us

Lean IT

Lean IT, six sigma, 6sigma.us

Green Process ManagementĀ 

green process management, lean, 6sigma.us

SixSigma.us offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

Virtual Classroom Training Programs Self-Paced Online Training Programs