

employee turnover

How Six Sigma Can Fix High Employee Turnover

One of the biggest problems that many companies face is a high employee turnover. From the company’s viewpoint, they feel that money as well as time has been put into an employee to train and educate, only to disappoint when they turn around and quit. From the employee’s point of view, if things were great, […]

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Six Sigma: A Path Towards a Stress-Free Work Environment

Whether you’re a large company or a small business, those who have implemented Six Sigma methodologies and tools have seen an improvement in the company staff’s work-life balance, which has turned into a rise in employee loyalty. Importance of Work-Life Balance   When a good work-life balance is cultivated, this keeps stress levels down. Chronic […]

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six sigma motivation

Six Sigma Motivates and Inspires Company Staff

There are many ways businesses have tried to motivate company staff members. If administration is now noticing that their staff is unmotivated, chances are they have been feeling this way for awhile and may be ready to quit. Without an engaged workforce, your company may slowly start to diminish, and customer complaints and dissatisfaction will start […]

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implementing six sigma importance

The Importance of Implementing Six Sigma Correctly

When a company decides to implement Six Sigma, first and foremost they need to follow the entire protocol of Six Sigma. In other words, don’t skip and go right to what you think is important — all of it is important. Skip any one part and failure will ensue. For example, if in all your […]

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