

DFSS Methodologies Create Change for the Better

The genius of Six Sigma DMAIC is that you use it to improve on existing processes on products or services that already exist, so that what is being done in the existing processes is bringing value to the product or service, therefore meeting the customer’s requirements.

More specifically, Six Sigma DMAIC is a structured methodology set to focus on eliminating defects.

So why would we need Design For Six Sigma (DFSS)? 

Most products or services are designed without any thought to defects, and a great deal of the defects, as high as 70%, are found in the design of the product or service. The other 30% are defects in the manufacturing or processes of said product or service.

DFSS was created with the mindset of making it right the first time. The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is extremely critical, as you must identify the customer’s requirements.

The DFSS Methodologies and Specific Uses

IDOV: Identify-Design-Optimize-Verify IDOV is used to design a brand new product or service to meet specific customer needs and specifications, achieving Six Sigma quality standards.

DMADV: Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify DMADV is an improvement template developed to establish new processes or products at tip-top Six Sigma quality levels.

Knowing what your customers require from your product or service is so important, and yet so many businesses ignore their customer’s suggestions. Amazon is at the top of their game in this department. They have made a business out of what the customer needs and wants, and have made it the number one reason for their existence. They are also a proponent of the Six Sigma culture and methodologies.

For any long-term longevity in business, remember the word Kaizen. It is a Japanese word and it is said to mean “change for better.” It is a philosophy used in business in Japan for continuous improvement, and it is now part of the Six Sigma culture and mindset.

Implement the Kaizen philosophy as small incremental changes long-term to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes.

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