

Six Sigma Training: Are You Shaping Your Future?

Are you shaping your future in Six Sigma? It is estimated that highly successful people invest $8k – $10k a year on their personal and professional development. Fact is, the modern business environment is highly fluid and technically demanding, without taking into consideration skills crucial to your specific industry. Just keeping up with the basic requirements of technology is a feat in itself for some. Highly successful leaders and entrepreneurs make personal and professional development a habit. They have a strong work ethic and understand that staying on top requires expertise. Here are three tips that are ingrained as habits with the highly successful:

  1. Invest in Training – Engaging in dynamic training courses both inside and outside the workplace to remain razor-sharp.
  2. Reading – Highly successful people read everyday! They value their time invested in professional reading and view television as a time-waster.
  3. Surround With Success – You are the sum of the 5 closest people surrounding you. Highly successful people surround themselves with others who are highly successful. Those around you will challenge you and take you to the next level.

These qualities are especially important for Six Sigma practitioners. No matter what level certification you hold, personal and professional development are crucial to your success. Six Sigma is a practice of excellence and you must exceed that expectation to gain credibility. Anything less is just not optional.

Over the next few weeks, 6Sigma.us is offering dynamic and challenging training and certification courses in locations around the US. These comprehensive courses will challenge your skills and hone your practice, resulting in the achievement of your next level of Six Sigma certification. Learn more about the Six Sigma Online Certification program.

SixSigma.us offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

Virtual Classroom Training Programs Self-Paced Online Training Programs