

Lean Six Sigma essentials For Effective Sales Operations

There are many businesses that are successfully using the Lean Six Sigma services in their sales operations and getting benefits. Basically, Lean Six Sigma is an pioneering tactic to achieve the high performance by integrating the production efficiencies of Lean manufacturing with some effective tools of Six Sigma like cutting cost and high quality out puts.

Additionally, there are several success stories of many entrepreneurs and innovators to prove that this process us not only effective but also provides several guidelines for the employees to achieve the desired goals in time with minimum number of errors.

The basic guideline of this process is to focus on the right type of project to apply Lean Six Sigma Services. Many organizations o not familiar with the methods to apply Lean Six Sigma services, principles and establishing the suitable product for the sales operations. According to the experts from many leading business houses like Xerox, Johnson and Johnson, General Electronics and many more, there are six types of projects that signify the productivity for early projects.

These six projects are:

ā€¢ Proposals for sales procedures
ā€¢ Generation of Leads
ā€¢ Launch new products
ā€¢ Sales predictions
ā€¢ Voice of the customers
ā€¢ Efficiency and effectiveness of the sales force

All these projects are very important for the growth of any business as Leads can give you the details of your potential customers. This helps you identifying how many customers you have and you can make your strategies accordingly. Lean Six Sigma system also helps in predicting the sales volume. If you are launching any new product, this service can guide you some effective ways to send your product to mass audience. This service also helps you to give proper satisfaction to your client. This plays a major role to increase the productivity in your business, as only a satisfied customer will come back to you in future.

In fact, there are two phases in Lean Six Sigma. These phases are the Define phase and The Measure Phase. The purpose of the Define phase is to identify all the available improvement opportunities and customer deliverables and also defines a scope for the company. There is a project charter as the end of this phase. This helps you clearly identifying the stakeholder, a project team to estimate the business executions. It also deals with the evaluation of the requirements of the customers, communication plans and a high level process map.

There are several tools of this phase like:

Stakeholder Analysis:Ā There are many different stake owners of any company like customers, employers and shareholders. Here, every stakeholder is listed individually so that you can deal with him or her in an effective manner.

SIPOC Diagram: This is the most commonly used tool applied in this stage. This is beneficial for improving any particular project. SIPOC stands for Suppliers, Input, Process, Outputs and Customers. It also gives the answers of all the questions visually like who all are the potential stakeholders of a particular process? What is the value of this process? Name of the owner of the process? Who provides the inputs to the process and what all inputs are there? What are the required sources? What are the necessary steps to complete the process?

Voice Of the Customer (VOC): This tolls defines that the customerā€™s viewpoint is equally important to make any project popular and successful. This data can be collected with the help of surveys, interviews, focus groups, suggestion and complaint boxes, comment cards and many more. Here, the word customer means both internal and external customers.

The next phase of Lean Six Sigma service is the Measure Phase. The purpose of this phase is to qualify for the current state of the process with respect to the cost, quality and speed. It provides an idea to achieve the desired goals of the company in time. there are several tools of this phase as well like cause effect Matrix, Preliminary failure modes and effect analysis, data collection plan, Pareto charts, Measurements system analysis control charts and process capability assessment.

So, with the help of both of these phases and their tools, you can achieve high standards in your business productivity.

Reference links of gathered information:

1. http://ezinearticles.com/?Some-Lean-Six-Sigma-Tools—Define-and-Measure&id=153995

2. http://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Make-Lean-Six-Sigma-Work-For-Sales-Operations&id=1051304

3. http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Is-Lean-Six-Sigma?-Yellow-Belt,-Green-Belt-And-Black-Belt-Certification&id=1012017

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