

What Should I Find in My Six Sigma Learning Pack?

So, youā€™re looking to gain a Six Sigma certification? Great! Yet, where do you start? For every Six Sigma professional, the journey begins by finding a certification, training, or certificate course. Previously, we have outlined the main differences between each type of program. Though, in summary, a training course introduces you to the concept of Six Sigma in a classroom setting. A certificate course provides the formal examination and awards you a certificate after passing the test. And a certification program combines the first two types, while also integrating, hands-on projects to gain experience.

Where Do I Start?

Once you know which type of Six Sigma program you want to follow, you must assess the program providers. Like most things in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Many Six Sigma trainers claim to offer ā€œcertifiedā€ programs that lack even the most basic of materials. Additionally, itā€™s important to note that programs who have both recognition and respect within the industry vary in the materials they cover. Before signing up for a day, week, or month-long program, make sure it includes everything you need in your Six Sigma learning pack.

Whatā€™s Inside Every Learning Pack?

If you remember grade school, then you will remember the list of supplies teachers would send you before the first day of class. Six Sigma is not different. Before beginning any program, itā€™s important to know what materials the course includes, and what it does not. The difference in course material alone can drastically change what your certification proves you understand.

First, every legitimate Six Sigma program will provide you with a syllabus. In this syllabus, the topics, concepts, and methods the course covers should be clearly outlined. From here, you will have the first general idea about the course and what you can expect from it. Depending on your program, whether itā€™s for a Yellow Belt or a Master Black Belt, the material will vary.

Next, reading materials. Because each program can vary it what it offers, and what employers wish to gain from it, required materials may differ between them. However, the most important materials offered should be some form of a guidebook. While some trainers may advise on a textbook to purchase, others may upload videos and power points online. Regardless of the format, itā€™s important than some form of a guidebook is in your learning pack.

Last, and most important for certification courses, is sample projects. Six Sigma professionals gain the most from their education by practicing what they are taught. For most, this is in the form of projects. Additionally, these projects should focus on certain business processes and how you should improve them. As the basis of the Six Sigma methodology, sample projects should carry the most weight in your learning pack.

What Should I Do If These Things Are Not in My Learning Pack?

Yet, what should you do if the program youā€™re interested in has none of the above necessities? Unfortunately, your options may be limited. If you have not begun a program, and you believe the one youā€™re interested in lack some of these necessities, we advise seeking another course. There are numerous, highly acclaimed Six Sigma course providers who are more than sufficient in providing you with the materials you need to succeed in their program. However, if you have already begun your program and believe it lacks the fundamentals for proper training, your best option is to leave a review of the course. Word of mouth is a powerful tool. If you face a Six Sigma trainer who does not provide you with an adequate program, a detailed review prevents others from facing the same dilemma.

SixSigma.us offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

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