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Six Sigma Certification in Fall River

Fall River Businesses Finding New Glory with Six Sigma Training

Fall River, MA is famous for its dominance of the textile industry in the 19th century. In the late 1800s, the city was an incredibly productive center for printed cloth. It produced more printed cloth than any other city in the United States, and the only city in the world that produced more was Manchester, […]

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Five Reasons to Implement Kaizen in Non-Manufacturing

Kaizen is a proven performance improvement tool. Adopted from modern Japanese manufacturers, like Toyota, Kaizen generates breakthrough improvements quickly, without huge capital investments and/or extensive commitments of employ time. Kaizen is an efficient, effective technique for producing change in manufacturing operations. Kaizen improves performance in non-manufacturing situations as well. Ideal for a wide variety of […]

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Promising Careers in Lean Six Sigma

If youā€™re looking for a job ā€“ any job – in the Six Sigma field, stop and look elsewhere. If youā€™re looking for aĀ careerĀ ā€“ a real Six Sigma career ā€“ then by all means aim high!Ā When you do find a position that will enable you to apply Lean Six Sigma principles and be part of […]

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Implementing A Kaizen Event in Non-Manufacturing

Variety distinguishes manufacturers from non-manufacturers. Manufacturers dislike too much variety. They want to stamp out products quickly and efficiently because theyā€™re focused on fulfilling customer demand. The more variety they have, the more production slows. The more production slows, the longer it takes for the manufacturerā€™s products to reach the customer. Non-manufacturers absorb variety. They […]

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Is 5S Implementation At All Possible in Non-manufacturing?

It is no wonder that the service industries sometimes feel disoriented in the world of management-speak regarding business improvement. There is so much jargon floating around ā€“ ā€˜Six Sigmaā€™, ā€˜5Sā€™, ā€˜Kaizenā€™, ā€˜JITā€™, ā€˜Kanbanā€™ and so on. They do not commonly realize that these concepts are often as applicable to them as to the manufacturing sector. […]

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Kaizen Events: Are They Any Good for the Non-manufacturing Sector?

Kaizen is a Japanese management tradition that roughly translates to ā€˜becoming better through changeā€™. Itā€™s a management philosophy that believes in continuous vigilance regarding all the aspects of a production system, and making changes based on this observation so that the system always remains at the peak of its productive efficiency. And one most effective […]

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The Lean Office: Eliminate Process Flab

The lean office system cuts down human effort, investment and working hours to alter how work is done, and thus increases output. Organizations which effectively adopt lean office techniques boost their performance hugely and raise the production per hour worked. In modern management jargon the term ā€œleanā€ was first coined by John Krafcik of MIT, […]

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Map Your Value Stream: Cut out Waste Visually

Value Stream Mapping is a visual imaging technique developed by the Toyota version of Lean Manufacturing. It is a paper and pencil tool that helps to visualize and figure out the flow of materials and information as a product or service courses through the value stream. It helps to understand and improve work processes using […]

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Good Housekeeping with 5S Implementation

If your business needs a good house cleaning, then consider 5S Implementation.Ā This Lean Office concept originated in Japan and is a method by which a business can get organized and stay organized. The 5Sā€™s are: Seiri ā€“ this is a general sorting of the business processes, throwing away what does not work and keeping what […]

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Making Use of the Kaizen Event in the Office

Kaizen is a Japanese word that means continuous improvement in and orderly manner. A Kaizen event is an intensive, short-term project intended to improve a specific process within a business. By improving a process the overall system will be improved ā€“ the proverbial weak link is strengthened and the chain does not fall apart. One […]

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The Lean Office Approach

Lean seems to be one of the new buzzwords in business these days.Ā However, it is far more than that.Ā It is a business concept.Ā In order to understand the Lean Office, you must first understand what lean means. This term was first applied by Toyota to the manufacturing side of business, as their Toyota Production System, and […]

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What is Six Sigma Deployment

In the implementation of Six Sigma, an effective infrastructure lays the foundation for success. An effective infrastructure for your Six Sigma or Lean Flow change initiative in an organization requires a clear strategy and comprehensive planning. Strategizing and Planning The planning stage of a Six Sigma deployment is where you can gain valuable traction. A […]

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Make that Lean and Mean!

It Takes a Leader When you hear the words ā€œlean manufacturingā€, what springs to mind? That youā€™re getting an inferior product because cost reduction efforts take precedence over customer satisfaction? That a manufacturing facility is ill-equipped or else has obsolete machinery that no longer meet todayā€™s standards? That the product you just purchased came out […]

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Bench Warming or Benchmarking?

Introduction Benchmarking seems such a high-falluting word, another business concept that has been used ad nauseam. Thereā€™s a justification for that, weā€™re sure. But whatā€™s the simplest way to describe benchmarking so even a high school student can understand it? Our research on benchmarking in process improvement revealed that the concept can be compared to […]

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Go Army, Go Six Sigma!

Whatā€™s good for the geese is good for the gander.Ā Or better, whatā€™s good for the private sector is good for the public sector. Our Six Sigma focus now turns to the United States Army.Ā The generals have reason to be proud.Ā That pride is expressed in US dollars.Ā How does a savings of $110 million in 2005 sound?Ā In […]

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Shedding off the Fat

Even the powerful need to lose some fat. Close to two years ago, a report was published online about an award that was given at Hanscom Air Force Base to a Mr. Harvey Dershin, Vice President of Aon/Rath & Strong.Ā Presenting the award was Major General Arthur J. Rooney, Vice Commander of the Electronic Systems Center […]

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Military Order of the Day: Transformation

Weā€™ll clarify that: itā€™s transformation through Lean Six Sigma (LSS).Ā No less than the Secretary of the US Navy has initiated a three-year LSS action plan.Ā This piece of news comes straight from the Pentagon and was published today, May 8, 2008. Serving as a backdrop to this initiative, we have: Fact # 1: the US Navy […]

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How the Public Sector Benefits from Lean Six Sigma

Taking a Peek into the Public Sector One might be tempted to ask, ā€œDoes the public sector really need to integrate Lean Six Sigma into their training requirements considering that theyā€™re a non-profit service-oriented outfit?ā€ While thatā€™s a legitimate question, a more appropriate question should be, ā€œHow can the public sector use Lean Six Sigma […]

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Benefits of a Lean Office: Is it for you?

Lean is no longer the propriety process and quality management mantra for manufacturing units. The success of Lean management in manufacturing units was bound to percolate to non-manufacturing processes sooner or later. Needless to add, success stories about Lean Office abound with many organizations proactively adapting this technique to cut down wastage (also referred to […]

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