

six sigma project champion

The Importance of the Project Charter

The quest of Six Sigma is to get as close to perfection as possible, which is 99.99966%. So to achieve this level of perfection, we take a detailed, specific and data-driven approach to tasks.Ā  There are great tools to help achieve this. These tools help lay out the groundwork by forming a nice template to […]

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kaizen six sigma

What Will Kaizen Be like in 100 Years?

As with any great system of operations or technique of processes, it advances and evolves on its own. Kaizen is one of those simple miracles that actually implements its own technique automatically. So what will be the state of Kaizen in 100 years? As we all know, Kaizen is a Japanese word that means ā€œchange […]

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pull vs push system lean six sigma

In Lean Six Sigma, Pull Donā€™t Push

One of the great Lean Six Sigma strategies that had its origins based in the Toyota Production System(TPS) is the pull system. The pull system is used to cut down on waste in the production or manufacturing processes. In other words, only make enough product to fulfill the customerā€™s demand. What are the benefits of […]

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kaizen event 6sigma.us

Kaizen Events for Serious, Fast Improvements

So letā€™s say that your business has a lot of issues that need fixing. So you may be considering having a Kaizen event. Well, this is a great idea because having a Kaizen event is the quickest way to improve processes that are sluggish, just as long as the improvements are within the scope of […]

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kanban board six sigma tool

Kanban Boards Have Their Own Process

The beauty of Six Sigma methodology and Lean Six Sigma tools are their simplicity and versatility. Today, letā€™s talk about kanban boards. Originally created by Taiichi Ohno for Toyota in the 1940ā€™s, kanban boards help visualize the current work in progress. The kanban board physically can be a simple white board with post-it sticky notes […]

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pdca plan do check act

The PDCA Cycle as Part of the Continuous Improvement Process

There are many great tools and templates used in Six Sigma, and today we are going to spend a little time with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). PDCA is a template or cycle used for problem solving. W. Edwards Deming originally created PDCA way back in the 1950s, and his intentions were to use PDCA with a continuous […]

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lean six sigma 5s spring cleaning 6sigma.us

Spring Cleaning Fancies Lean Six Sigma 5S

There is something awe-aspiring about having a home and garage that is neat and clean. It goes beyond having a beautiful or expensive home; it actually brings more value to who you are as an individual or a family. As an individual, it says you take pride in your home, and as a family it […]

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Critical to Quality (CTQ) is in the Six Sigma DNA

Critical to Quality, or CTQ, is a very important tool when designing a new product or service for your business. CTQs are the measurable data that is needed on a product or service that your customers have specified as being a very important requirement. The reason for this? CTQs will dictate the processes involved, the […]

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voice of the customer VOC

Voice of the Customer (VOC): Because Your Customer Is Your Top Priority

Have you ever been on websites such as Yelp, Google, or HomeAdvisor? Well, these websites are all fall under the umbrella of VOC, or Voice of the Customer. This is how important VOC has become to future consumers. Unfortunately, you donā€™t want to find out that your business doesnā€™t add up by looking on Yelp […]

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DFSS design for six sigma

DFSS Methodologies Create Change for the Better

The genius of Six Sigma DMAIC is that you use it to improve on existing processes on products or services that already exist, so that what is being done in the existing processes is bringing value to the product or service, therefore meeting the customerā€™s requirements. More specifically, Six Sigma DMAIC is a structured methodology […]

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6sigma.us DMAIC Improve Phase

Six Sigma Tools Used in the Improve Phase of DMAIC

Today, we are going to go over some great Six Sigma tools we can use in the Improve phase of Six Sigmaā€™s DMAIC process. The Improve phase is very important because here is when you can brainstorm solutions to find which ones are the best and then implement them to solve the issue. The Improve […]

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5S, One of Lean Six Sigma’s Finest Tools

Six Sigma has many tools that will work to improve production and efficiency in any type of business. Today, we are going to highlight the 5S tool and why it is so important. The 5S tool is a great system for handling workplace organization. This tool has a step-by-step template that is easy to follow […]

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6sigma.us root cause analysis online training

Getting to the Root of the Cause in Six Sigma

When we have a problem or issue, we need to get to the root of that problem, otherwise that problem wonā€™t go away. The specific problem will keep happening, because like a bad weed, it will keep popping its ugly, annoying head up and cause the same issue.Ā Root cause analysis (RCA) is a specific technique […]

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six sigma human resources

Human Resources Can Create a Successful Six Sigma Environment

Since Six Sigma is an all out team effort, it is extremely important to have the right candidates creating those teams. Letā€™s assume that we have an excellent staff already, but we need to increase our manpower due to turnover. This is when the duties of human resources become extremely important to get the company […]

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total quality management

Six Sigma Improvement of Total Quality Management (TQM)

The origin of Total Quality Management (TQM) had many forefathers in its inception, but was generic in nature. Meaning you could plug the works of Ishikawa, Juran and Deming (just to name a few) into any business and youā€™d get results ā€” just not the best results for your specific business. Six Sigma has some […]

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six sigma

Make it Happen in 2018 with Six Sigma!

Not everyone is a great chef, but if you can follow a recipe, you can produce a delicious meal. Not everyone is a great business person, but if you follow Six Sigmaā€™s methodologies and tools, you will make your business a success. Our Six Sigma courses provide you with the knowledge as well as the […]

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christmas six sigma

A Christmas Wish From 6Sigma.us

Christmas Time is oh so near Children so excited you can hear them cheer Enthusiasm and excitement fill the air And people show love in how they care. Take the time to enjoy the season And be thankful for the reason. Catherine Pulisfer From All of Us at 6Sigma.us!

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Image: Six Sigma A3 Process

Lean Six Sigma A3 Process Keeps Problem Solving Organized

When problem-solving, staying in an organized systematic path is extremely important, otherwise, new issues could arise. Thatā€™s why the Lean Six Sigma approach called A3 is so genius. Basically, the A3 process is a structured template for solving problems in a continuous matter. The A3 approach is also known as SPS, which stands for Systematic […]

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product design DFM six sigma

DFM: Designing with Simplicity in Mind

The primary goal of Six Sigma is to improve what already exists. We want to work more efficiently and effectively, by eliminating waste, increasing customer satisfaction, which will ultimately generate more profits. So what if you want to design a product that has cost effectiveness already built in?Ā  Here is an interesting statistic — about […]

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design six sigma dfss

DFSS Provides Structure While Creating

Hereā€™s a basic overview of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and when itā€™s used. DFSS is used when you want to create a new product, service or process. After reviewing your current existing product, service, or process, you realize that process making improvements still wonā€™t close the gap of what is required by your customer […]

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