6sigma.us is a world-renowned leader of Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification. We have worked with over 5,000 organizations (like Avery Dennison, Johnson & Johnson, Oracle and many more), held more than 72 classes this year in 18+ cities while providing training and certification to over 25,000 students. We are highly customer-centric and believe in seeking reviews from our students/customers to help us provide an extraordinary learning experience. Have a look at the customers’ 6sigma.us reviews:
Instructor was clear and engaging.
Carolina |
Instructor had very interesting stories that tied the material we learned to a real-life experience he has had with implementing SixSigma not just in his work life but also in his personal life. It's very different reading course material but to have it explained in a relatable situation brings it full circle. He was very entertaining and even inquisitive as a person outside of being an instructor. He genuinely wanted to know about us not just our lives as a professional but also how we are outside of the work environment.
Carolyn |
Instructor had real life examples that made the content easier to understand. Encouraged ideas of what can be improved in your work
Carolyn |
It was interactive. The real world examples helped to understand the content. Instructor had a good sense of humor and presented the material clearly.
Carolyn |
Interaction and application to real life
Carrie |
Instructor does a great job of keeping everyone involved in the webinars. He really knows the slides/topics well and it shows.
Cassandra |
I think Instructor did a great job of keeping us engaged and you could tell he was passionate and well informed on the topics so he presented them well.
Cassandra |
The ability to practice with the templates after covering the material.
Bernessa |
Make you feel very comfortable to have open discussion.
Bertha |
Good mix of instruction and practical application. I appreciated instructor using examples that allowed those of us in a service world and those in a manufacturing world to see how the principles of Lean apply across industries. I also think the most valuable training/teaching comes from those that both do the work and provide the instruction because they can speak from experience as to how things play out in reality -- not just theory or what they've heard someone else say.
Beth |
How the presenter continued to keep us engaged. remote presentation can be hard and I was able to follow along and stay with it.
Bill |
Very understandable and applicable.
Blake |
Instructor was great. Really helped make the course content understandable and applicable. I very much enjoyed the class and wished I could have taken my initial GB training through you. Thanks
Blake |
Better than i expected, instructor was easy to understand and linked all information together in a comprehensible way everyone could relate to.
Bobby |
Solid content, great handouts, Very Knowledgeable Instructor, class interaction!
Bobby |
The DMAIC methodology, on how we can implement it in our practices.
Bradley |
I enjoyed the hands on examples and exercises. They were able to help connect the information to practical application.
Brandon |
Instructor was very knowledgeable about the subject matter. He explained everything very clearly.
Brandon |
I loved doing the exercises in class. They really helped me grasp the concepts better. Donna was an amazing instructor!!! She gave good examples and explained the content very well. The minitab training was my biggest take away from the course so far. This software is going to reduce the time it takes me to analyze my data at work tremendously. Great course!!!
Breana |
I really enjoyed the airplane exercises. It helped me apply the material I was learning to a concept that was simplistic.
Breana |