6sigma.us is a world-renowned leader of Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification. We have worked with over 5,000 organizations (like Avery Dennison, Johnson & Johnson, Oracle and many more), held more than 72 classes this year in 18+ cities while providing training and certification to over 25,000 students. We are highly customer-centric and believe in seeking reviews from our students/customers to help us provide an extraordinary learning experience. Have a look at the customers’ 6sigma.us reviews:
The waste discussions
Jessica |
Instructor was engaging and related the material in a way that made it very easy to absorb. He was outstanding!
Jessica |
It was very simple and straight to the point. There was no song and dance and gimmick.
Jessica |
Instructor was very knowledgeable of material. She required us to participate and ask as many questions as possible. Took a lot of good material back to work.
Jesus |
I liked the fact that the professor knew the material very well. She made it fun and easy to understand. We all had to participate.
Jesus |
Instructor does a great job of incorporating stories into class to make Six Sigma more interesting and applicable. I also enjoyed the team exercises and camaraderie among class participants.
Jewel |
Logical Thinking and analysis tool
Jianjie |
The course is easy to follow along to and the materials match the lecture.
James |
I loved the time taken to fully explain everything. I also enjoyed the hands on type of approach which I know is tough for an online class compared to an in class.
James |
The course material was presented in such a way that all the content can be applied to my professional life immediately.
James |
Instructor did a great job on pace of explanation of the topics.
That the material was directly applicable to Production and my job field.
James |
That the material was directly applicable to my job.
James |
I thoroughly enjoyed the group discussions and group projects. I also found Great Value in the way that the instructor chose to teach
Jamica |
Instructor did a great job of getting participants to interact by calling on people and having them raise hands. I will start using this method during my webexes.
Janalee |
The tools/methods used for "Analyze" and "Improve" were quite beneficial. delivered the instruction effectively and efficiently. He was detail-oriented and was attentive with addressing/resolving questions. Undoubtedly, he values the career success of his students.
Jane |
Instructor was a great instructor who related to all persons in the class
Janet |
Interactions and with rest of attendees and projects
Jaqueline |
The depth in which we integrate program processing with data analysis was beneficial and done efficiently. We covered a lot, adequately, and a very short amount of time.
Jasmine |
Instructor was a superb instructor. Real master of the material and clearly conveyed the course content.
Jason |