6sigma.us is a world-renowned leader of Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification. We have worked with over 5,000 organizations (like Avery Dennison, Johnson & Johnson, Oracle and many more), held more than 72 classes this year in 18+ cities while providing training and certification to over 25,000 students. We are highly customer-centric and believe in seeking reviews from our students/customers to help us provide an extraordinary learning experience. Have a look at the customers’ 6sigma.us reviews:
Instructor was great! His real life examples really helped me visualize the tools he was training us on.
Mary |
Instructor was very thorough and had a good sense of humor. Training classes can sometimes be boring, but he kept everyone engaged.
Mary |
The examples and how you can use simple everyday activities.
Mary |
Examples by instructor were very helpful to understand each subject
Mary |
The real examples were very beneficial for me to relate to the topics I was not exposed to before. Also, the breaks in every hour would help to get a short break and get your mind back on the game.
Maryam |
Comfortable atmosphere and relaxed.
Matt |
The application of the material to real world situations and guidance on which model(s) to utilize.
Matt |
The interaction and participation was fantastic.
Landon |
The instructor was very considerate of all the attendees in the class. He also encouraged participation and shared examples that made the 295 material resonate with me and others.
Lauren |
The materials were extremely helpful and useful. They help me organize, appropriately assess my project and help identify the flaws/errors in a easy way.
Lauren |
Good course materials, nice reference book. Instructor had lots of real-life examples to draw on.
Leigh |
Instructor's teaching style and extensive knowledge was most valuable.
Leonard |
I enjoyed how informative and interactive the trainer was. He made the training interesting and not daunting. I like how he incorporated jokes periodically checked on all attendees.
Leonard |
Our instructor,is a master of everything. He was very informative, extremely patient, and had a playful personality that made the class fun.
Lily |
Having real world examples of manufacturing & non manufacturing made all of the material easy to follow. instructor included everyone in discussion, which also provided a way to check in on understanding. I am looking into sending a couple analyst to the course.
Liz |
Practical discussions that were not just theoretical
Loise |
Gave real world situations, and encouraged people to ask questions
Lucas |
Instructor was able to use common illistrations to explain the different areas.
Lydia |
Instructor's ability to connect the course material to his own and our examples. It really helped it hit home much better.
Madeleine |
Training material, tempo of training just ok, trainer can explain good and give clear examples
Maiti |