6sigma.us is a world-renowned leader of Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification. We have worked with over 5,000 organizations (like Avery Dennison, Johnson & Johnson, Oracle and many more), held more than 72 classes this year in 18+ cities while providing training and certification to over 25,000 students. We are highly customer-centric and believe in seeking reviews from our students/customers to help us provide an extraordinary learning experience. Have a look at the customers’ 6sigma.us reviews:
Instructor was awesome
Sean |
Customization of examples and discussions to my industry
Luis |
Jorge was very professional answering questions and setting up examples
Victor |
The use of examples for each learned method or item
I am a visual learner so the sketch drawling is also very helpful
Rachel |
Instructor was very interactive with participants.
Roberto |
The interaction the instructor had with the class. Very informative and good practice.
Roberto |
Marc was a fantastic teacher of the material. Liked how he kept bringing up to be optimal and business safe. Lot of lean people leave some of those ideas out of teaching.
Lucas |
practical examples and relating it back to real world
Lucas |
The instructor went through the material efficiently and thoroughly answered any questions we had. He went beyond the material to provide advice with potential issues we may encounter after taking the training course.
Rikka |
The instructor was very engaging and made it a point to include examples relevant to each student's industry/field. A lot of information was also included in the course materials that will be easily understandable for future reference.
Rikka |
I liked having instruction and feedback on the statistical tools and minitab
Spencer |
Instructor, examples and discussion
Amal |
Having an instructor that has broad, practical experience to draw from to help illuminate the topics being taught was beneficial; Jorge's passion for the program combined with his wide-ranging vocational experience makes him a dynamic instructor.
The gro
Jessica |
The instructor providing real world examples, especially focusing outside of manufacturing, has been extremely helpful in understanding the material.
Samantha |
Very practical use of the material and new knowledge for my job!
Instructor (Marc) is knowledge about theory and how to incorporate into actual practice. He is extremely kind and is passionate about the information he teaches. I have communicated internally that this is sone of the best courses I have taken since col
Joseph |
Jorge was easy to follow and kept everyone involved
JP |
Instructor made the coursework extremely easy to understand. Very thorough and diligent from start to finish.
Aspen |
This was the most engaging virtual training that I've taken part of. The instructor did a fantastic job at keeping everyone engaged and offering real life examples applicable to each of our roles.
Paige |
I did not know much about 6 Sigma prior to the course but learning the process of DMAIC was awesome to see how to apply to our projects moving forward.
Mike |