
Chennai, IND – Black Belt after Green Belt

Class is Monday to Thursday from 8 am to not later than 5 pm and on Friday will be done around noon.

Accelerated Six Sigma Black Belt Training in Chennai, IND. This program requires a prior two week Green Belt program.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Chennai Black Belt Certification after Green Belt

To receive an email with this material in Adobe PDF printable format simple send an email titled Black Belt to blackbelt@dmaic.us

Classroom Features:

  • Morning and afternoon snack each day
  • Lite lunch each day except Friday
  • Professionally printed C o l o r Laser student notebooks
  • Fun and exciting exercises
  • Fun learning atmosphere

Six Sigma Features:

  • Access to course leader with extensive project experience
  • Project consulting support during each training week
  • Includes up to two hours of project start up assistance by voice and email prior first week
  • Includes up to two hours of project start up assistance by voice and email between weeks
  • Student data files and Six Sigma templates
  • Generic Project examples
  • Generic Project Charter examples
  • Certification review of Black Belt project
  • Certificate after project acceptance
  • On-site Consulting Support at a discounted rate

Week 1: Six Sigma Black Belt after Green Belt

  • Green Belt Review
  • Review Exercise
  • Central Limit Theory
  • Project Presentations
  • Advanced MSA
  • Advanced Capability
  • Multiple Regression
  • Nested ANOVA
  • DOE Planning
  • Randomized Block Designs
  • Full Factorials
  • Review

Week 2: Six Sigma Black Belt after Green Belt

  • Week 2 Review
  • Review Full Factorials
  • Fractional Factorials
  • Exercise
  • General Factorials
  • Sample Size
  • Project Reviews
  • Optimization Designs
  • Multiple Responses
  • Change Managment
  • SPC Review for Control
  • Control Methods
  • Final Review
  • Wrap-up