

How to Reduce Lean Waste Throug Employee Training

Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach that focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing productivity during manufacturing operations. It involves studying the manufacturing cycle to eliminate any action that doesnā€™t add customer value, i.e., ā€œwaste.ā€ This strategy was designed for the manufacturing sector but applies to many other non-manufacturing sectors, such as banking, software development, retail, etc. ReĀ 

The lean manufacturing strategy, when implemented in your organization, offers numerous benefits. However, itā€™s not a magic solution that appears out of thin air; it comes from formal training and guidance. This training equips them with the tools to identify and eliminate waste across your organization, putting you in control of your efficiency and productivity. Letā€™s explore how this employee training can help reduce business waste and where to find the relevant training.

Learn more about ourĀ Lean training.

What makes lean training important?

The Lean strategy helps your business minimize losses and maximize profits. It doesnā€™t matter what sector you operate inā€”every company has wasteful processes, and you can cut them down to improve turnaround time and boost profits.

It takes critical thinking to identify and eliminate wasteful processes without disrupting your production process. Your business could suffer if the wrong processes get identified as waste or if the right processes are identified but not eliminated effectively. Lean training imbibes employees with the knowledge to identify and reduce wasteful processes effectively.

What type of lean training do my employees need?

Lean Six Sigma is the best training you can give your employees to reduce waste and optimize production. It’s a formal approach that trains teams to collaborate to systematically eliminate operational waste.Ā 

Lean Six Sigma combines Lean Management and Six Sigma techniques into one formal course, the former to reduce waste and the latter to improve business processes for higher productivity. 6Sigma offers Lean Six Sigma training in various formats, from the White Belt to the Master Black Belt levels. Your employees can take our accredited courses and apply their knowledge to boost productivity and profits at your organization.

Benefits of lean training for employees

employee training

Critical knowledge

It empowers employees to identify wasteful processes at your organization. This knowledge seems trivial, but it is not. Wasteful processes can lurk in plain sight; it takes much thinking and experience to point them out. It also takes skill to identify the most effective way to eliminate these wasteful processes; Lean training helps employees develop these skills.

Increased productivity

Reducing waste is one of the best ways to boost productivity at your organization. Decreased waste means employees can spend more time and effort on essential processes, which improves production time and keeps customers satisfied. Lean training goes a long way in boosting productivity and profits at your organization.


Some vendors and suppliers only work with companies that implement lean strategies to cut turnaround times. Lean Six Sigma training enables you to work with such organizations, as you can always show your employeesā€™ certificates as proof that theyā€™re well-versed in lean management. Formal lean training helps you comply with seemingly onerous requirements that some vendors impose on partners.

Better employee morale

Lean training is not all about knowledge. It also trains employees to collaborate and communicate seamlessly to achieve goals. This collaborative training improves morale as employees become more comfortable working together. People become at ease with sharing and exchanging solutions to each othersā€™ problems. Employees are no longer afraid to ask the necessary questions and get good answers.Ā 

Formal lean training is one of the best shortcuts to boosting employee morale at your organization.


Donā€™t hesitate to empower your employees to reduce waste and improve business productivity. Weā€™ve explained the best type of lean training and the benefits of providing such training to your employees.Ā 

SixSigma.us offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

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