

Lean Six Sigma Heard Verizon Loud and Clear

The difference is obvious when it comes to companies that implement Six Sigma and Lean methodologies and tools. As a member of the public (or better still, as a customer who uses their products or services) one would first notice the companyā€™s excellent product or service. If something were to go wrong (which is rare, but it happens), then one would notice how quickly the issue was handled. Even if the issue turned out to be our fault, they would apologize for not making it crystal clear.

Letā€™s take a closer look at Verizon Wireless. There are many other wireless companies that compete in the marketplace, but Verizon still ranks out on top.

Why Verizon Wireless Is the Frontrunner

A few years ago, Verizon introduced to their company a Voice of the Customer initiative. This initiative was going to zero in on what their customersā€™ qualms were, and figure out how to fix them.

So they set up a Center for Excellence at the corporate level, and through much data and analytics, they figured out that they were having issues with customer dissatisfaction in their retail stores.

Verizon listened intently and noticed that 1,700 customers across the country were having similar issues with their devices. This was costing Verizon revenue, as well as dissatisfaction in their customers. So they began working closely with the manufacturer of their phones, and set up a taskforce of engineers to replicate the problems.

Verizon Wireless used Lean Six Sigma process improvement tools to work with the engineers to fix the software issues within the devices. Then they figured out that these issues were educational issues; it seems that both the customers and staff didnā€™t fully understand how these devices worked.

Both LSS and Six Sigma do get companies to the top, the proof is in the results!

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