

Image: Control Plan in Lean Six Sigma

Control Plan in Lean Six Sigma. Key Elements and Strategies

Quality control is a critical aspect of any manufacturing or service delivery process, and a well-designed control plan serves as a powerful tool to achieve this objective. It is a proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential sources of variation that could impact the quality of the final output. Quick Overview More about Control Plan […]

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Image: How to Use Input Process Output Model For Business Success

How to Use Input Process Output Model For Business Success

Teams are the backbone of modern organizations, driving innovation, problem-solving, and organizational success.  However, building and sustaining high-performing teams is a complex endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the underlying dynamics and processes. This is where the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model comes into play, providing a framework for analyzing and optimizing team effectiveness. Key Highlights […]

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Image: Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)

Gain a Competitive Edge with Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)

Companies need to optimize their production processes and guarantee top-notch quality. One metric that’s rising in importance is Rolled Throughput Yield or RTY for short. RTY gives the full picture of how much usable product is getting made when you consider the cumulative impact of any flaws or hiccups that happen at each stage of […]

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Image: Pilot Run in Six Sigma

Pilot Run in Six Sigma. A Complete Guide (2024)

Whether it’s a new product launch, a significant process change, or an increase in production volumes, a pilot run serves as an invaluable opportunity to validate processes, identify potential issues, and refine operations before committing substantial resources. By understanding the nuances of pilot runs, manufacturers can mitigate risks, optimize processes, and ultimately deliver high-quality products […]

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Image: Drive Business Growth and Capability with Process Maturity

Drive Business Growth and Capability with Process Maturity

Process maturity refers to the state of improvement and evolution of business processes within an organization. It indicates how consistently and effectively processes are managed, controlled, measured, and optimized over time. Key Highlights Introduction to Process Maturity To increase quality, cut expenses, and simplify operations, modern firms now consider process maturity to be a critical […]

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Featured Image: Lean Six Sigma Bell Curve

Normal Distribution in Lean Six Sigma. Learn the Bell Curve

Six Sigma is a quality management system that aims to decrease variance and errors in business processes. The strategy makes use of statistical analysis and a data-driven methodology to reduce inefficiencies in the process and attain enduring outcomes. A key concept in Six Sigma is the normal distribution or bell curve. The bell curve helps […]

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continuous improvement

Using Continuous Improvement Processes to Fight the Pressures of Inflation

Over the past few years, inflation has been a painful reminder of our economic woes. For a myriad of reasons, these trends, combined with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, have wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy. Consumers are feeling the bite of prices, which have slowly eaten away at their budgets. The reality of […]

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Image: Six Sigma Tools for the Automobile Industry

4 Six Sigma Tools for The Automobile Industry

In every industry, there’s bound to be stiff competition. And due to the increasing economic globalization, it keeps getting tougher each year. Organizations are facing a lot of pressure to increase their efficiency and productivity to remain competitive, especially when it comes to manufacturing. This includes the manufacturing of automobiles.  Not only that, but more […]

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six sigma online

3 Ways Learning Six Sigma Online is Better Than On-Site Learning?

Many people around the world are increasingly using online learning or e-learning to get their Six Sigma certificates. Due to the benefits e-learning provides, even organizations are seeing it as a viable option to empower their workforce with Six Sigma knowledge and skills. But what would make employers consider online learning over on-site learning? Here […]

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6sigma.us labor day

Lean Six Sigma Labor Day Roundup for 2020

This year has been a challenging one to say the least. The year 2020 brought us many changes and obstacles to overcome. In the name of Six Sigma, we were ready to provide a solution or at the very least a suggestion that would put you in the right direction towards a permanent solution. COVID-19 […]

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Why Root Cause Analysis is so Important

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is one of the most important tasks in the world of Six Sigma, because if you don’t stop the issue at its core, that issue or problem will keep happening over and over again. The goal of Root Cause Analysis is to identify the cause of the problem. Once you identify […]

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six sigma

Six Sigma: Its Key Elements Are the Secret to Success

Those who believe in Six Sigma know that the genius is in its simplicity. If common sense had a template, it would be known as Six Sigma. That being said, today’s global economy (with the exception of its size) isn’t that much different than your father’s hardware store back in the 1950’s. Good quality is […]

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5 whys six sigma

INFOGRAPHIC: The 5 Whys Tool

When issues arise and you need to get to the root of the problem, the Six Sigma 5 Whys tool is very helpful. If the issue is in the manufacturing or the design of the product, keep in mind that the product was made to serve a function without consideration as to other issues that […]

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six sigma mental health

Six Sigma’s Magic and Mental Health

According to the Center for Workplace Mental Health, the annual cost of mental illness is costing the US economy $20 billion a year. Stress is a big factor, and a negative workplace environment contributes to that stress, causing absenteeism and a loss in productivity. Here are some alarming statistics: 64% of employees described their jobs […]

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lean six sigma

Lean Six Sigma Language: A Quick Review of the Basics

When it comes to Lean Six Sigma, acronyms and tools are a staple. The different acronyms and different tools could get confusing if not reviewed frequently — which brings up a good point of continuous education as a form of review as well as progressing forward. Think of reviewing as visiting an old friend and […]

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six sigma time management

Six Sigma and Time Management in Your Personal Life

When you think of Six Sigma methodologies, you think of getting rid of waste and making your work processes more efficient and effective. While this is helpful for your business or company, how could we also use Six Sigma to improve the quality of our personal lives?  The answer is easy! You use Six Sigma […]

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key principles six sigma

Six Sigma Key Principles: An Overview

Let’s get some clarity on the elements in Six Sigma that keep you focused on the right path. These are also known as key principles. The focus is on the customer: The quality of your product or service depends solely on what your customer considers quality. The product or service that your company manufactures or […]

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lean six sigma

Six Sigma: Continue to Make Learning a Top Priority

The world of Six Sigma isn’t just about knowing the acronyms DMAIC, DFSS, CTQ or COPQ. No, it is about knowing how to apply these different tools into real-world situations.  Knowing how to apply Six Sigma tools, templates, or methodologies is something you arrive at by working at it. Just for a quick review, let’s […]

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