

six sigma principles thanksgiving

The Six Sigma Holiday Principles

As we’re always inspired by the Six Sigma principles here, we thought we would apply a few of them to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. We have changed a couple of words, such as instead of customer, we used family and friends. These Six Sigma principles are very important for having the very best possible Thanksgiving […]

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5s tool

Teaching Children Organization with the 5S Tool

For parents to teach their children to clean up after themselves is at best a grueling, undesirable task. Yet as Six Sigma teaches in the 5S Tool, “Everything in its place and a place for everything.” This Lean Six Sigma template of the 5S is an excellent tool for teaching small children or children of […]

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six sigma tools painless changes 6sigma.us blog

Six Sigma Tools for Painless Changes

It is imperative that we are open to change in life as well as business. Since the only constant is change, we must be flexible in our mindset. That being said, when we do get stuck in the way we handle our business processes, and change is imminent, we can refer to some great Six […]

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6sigma.us teamwork six sigma

Six Sigma and the Team Mindset

There are many elements at play for success when implementing Six Sigma at your business or company. The first element we will focus on is management involvement and support. This doesn’t mean sitting behind the desk and setting new protocols without having been working in the front lines! No, this means management rolling their sleeves […]

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organize 5s tool

INFOGRAPHIC: 5S, The Workplace Organization Tool

The 5s methodology is an incredible tool that helps remove what is no longer needed from a workspace. It will help organize your workspace for optimum efficiency. Having what you need at your fingertips allows for better workflow and consistency, and decreased production costs. Check out this infographic below for an easy to understand breakdown […]

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Forget Goal-Setting Journals and Use DMAIC for Achieving Your Goals

Whether you are wanting to achieve a goal, change a habit or improve your existing conditions, let Six Sigma’s very own DMAIC template save you money, time and most of all, make you successful at achieving your goals. The main reason most goal journals don’t work is because the hard data isn’t part of their […]

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6sigma.us process map

Differences Between Six Sigma Process Map & Lean SS VSM

In the world of Six Sigma and Lean, the difference between Value Stream Mapping and the Process Map has been often discussed. This topic has been talked and written about at length, and still people get both confused. So this week, we are going to clear this confusion up once and for all, hopefully! First, let’s […]

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control charts six sigma

Control Charts, DMAIC and the Level Six in Six Sigma

Control charts are a very important tool if you are to successfully implement Six Sigma in your business or organization. This visual is great because it puts everything in the form of a graphic so that you can compare through tracking a process input or an output over time. Since there are different types of […]

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dmadv smart goals six sigma

Examining the Connection Between DMADV and SMART Goals

While we usually examine DMAIC vs. DMADV here in our Six Sigma blog, we would like to show the similarities here to another methodology often seen in the business world, known as the SMART goal template, and show there is a correlation that’s just too obvious not to compare. What is the SMART goal template? […]

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six sigma survey

The Survey Says…

We all know about the history of Six Sigma and the great alliances such as Robert Galvin and Motorola, as well as Jack Welch with General Electric (GE). Were these marriages between man and a large company an anomaly that can’t be replicated, or does the magic of Six Sigma still happen and is something […]

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Consistency Breeds Perfection In Business

Six Sigma methodologies focus on improving processes by reducing waste and defects. So in the world of Six Sigma, is multitasking considered bad?  Well it depends. If the computer you are using has a program that is able to execute a few jobs at once, then the answer is no. The reason for this is […]

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5s tool organization 6sigma.us

Using the Lean Six Sigma 5S Tool for Maintenance

Let’s face it, having a neat clean and organized workspace makes work easier and a pleasure. The same can be said for any home closet or home office. The best prevention and defense tool to make a perfectly organized and clean space is none other than the Lean Six Sigma 5S tool. A Quick Review […]

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value six sigma VOC VSM

Six Sigma: It’s About Value to the Customer

One of Six Sigma’s core beliefs is to do away with any waste. This means if it doesn’t bring value to your product or service, it is waste. So let us shed light on Non-value added processing in Six Sigma.  Depending on the industry your business is serving, non-value added processing can be anything from […]

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7 wastes of lean

[Infographic] 7 Wastes of Lean

You might as well call them the 7 deadly sins of waste! Here in this infographic we’ve outlined the 7 wastes of Lean: Overproduction: although its intention comes from a place of optimism, it is a huge waste. Overproduction is very costly, both in revenue and storage, and also makes it very difficult to notice […]

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six sigma champion

What Makes the Perfect Six Sigma Project Champion?

Have you ever had a manager at work who made things just run smoothly, with everyone doing their job, following protocol and keeping up a great attitude? If you were lucky enough to experience this euphoria, then you were in the presence of what it takes to be a Six Sigma Champion.  The determination and […]

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six sigma timeline

Six Sigma Timeline History: Made by Design

The genius of Six Sigma is the product of a having a great lineage. Eli Whitney and Henry Ford were motivated by efficiency, doing more in less time. Whitney gave us the uniformity system, and Ford gave us the automotive assembly line. The use of machinery made better use of time by producing more in […]

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kaizen event 6sigma.us

Kaizen Events for Serious, Fast Improvements

So let’s say that your business has a lot of issues that need fixing. So you may be considering having a Kaizen event. Well, this is a great idea because having a Kaizen event is the quickest way to improve processes that are sluggish, just as long as the improvements are within the scope of […]

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kanban board six sigma tool

Kanban Boards Have Their Own Process

The beauty of Six Sigma methodology and Lean Six Sigma tools are their simplicity and versatility. Today, let’s talk about kanban boards. Originally created by Taiichi Ohno for Toyota in the 1940’s, kanban boards help visualize the current work in progress. The kanban board physically can be a simple white board with post-it sticky notes […]

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pdca plan do check act

The PDCA Cycle as Part of the Continuous Improvement Process

There are many great tools and templates used in Six Sigma, and today we are going to spend a little time with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). PDCA is a template or cycle used for problem solving. W. Edwards Deming originally created PDCA way back in the 1950s, and his intentions were to use PDCA with a continuous […]

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