

Difference between LSS and Six Sigma

Difference between: Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma vs Six Sigma Lean and the Six Sigma business strategies have proven in the past two decades that it is possible to achieve significant improvements in terms quality, cost efficiency and time by focusing and upgrading performance of various in-house processes. Whereas Six Sigma is focused on reducing process fluctuations and improving […]

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Image: Lean Six Sigma - Beginnerā€™s Guide

Lean Six Sigma – Beginnerā€™s Guide

What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is firstly introduced by Bill Smith, Motorolaā€™s engineer in 1986 as a multi tools and techniques for continuous improvement. Then used as a central business strategy in 1995 at General Electric. Since then it is widely used in various industrial and services sectors. Six Sigma main goal is to […]

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Process flow diagram

Find Your Flow: Process Flow Diagrams for Beginners

What is Process Flow Diagram? A Process Flow Diagram is a graphical tool depicting the steps of a process in a serial order. The intrinsic reason behind it is to include all of the steps that are critical to the process. Flow diagrams are used by the team to visualize the process, and often annotate […]

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Avoid complacency and leave your comfort zone!

How to Avoid Complacency and Continually Improve with Six Sigma

Complacency is an epidemic. It kills productivity and can negatively affect your performance. Studies have shown that complacency comes from a lack of engagement, and affects up to 70% of the US working population. This means around three-quarters of American employees are not fully committed to their everyday workplace tasks! As an employer, this should […]

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Six Sigma, Kaizen, or Lean

Six Sigma, Kaizen, or Lean? What is the Difference?

Six Sigma, Kaizen, and Lean. You might have heard of them. People throw these termsĀ around a lot nowadays, often interchangeably. But what do they mean? What makes them different? And are they so similar? Remember, each tool solves specific, specialized problems. This article will help you get to the bottom of this mystery so you […]

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Lean in with Six Sigma

Lean In: How to Gather Support for Six Sigma in Your Company

Are youĀ prepared to advocate and fully support Lean Six Sigma? If yes, how do you know? If no, how you reach that stage? These questions can be tiresome and their answers difficult to pin down. Weā€™re here to make things easy for you. Today we will help you get readyĀ for Lean Six Sigma (or recognize […]

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Image: Six Sigma Training - Anaheim/Los Angeles

Upcoming Six Sigma Training: Anaheim/Los Angeles

2016 is here and training is in full swing at 6Sigma.us. We spent the last part of 2015 planning dynamic training agendas, with a global reach! With that in mind, we would like to invite you to join us in sunny Southern California for a comprehensive Six Sigma training event. During this event, we will […]

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