

lean six sigma healthcare

Lean Six Sigma: Itā€™s a Necessity in Healthcare Services

With the aging population increasing, we are starting to see the rise of chronic diseases. On a positive note, our older population is educating themselves on high-quality medical care and following a healthier lifestyle. On the downside, this puts added pressure on the already failing healthcare system. Implementing Lean Six Sigma methodologies could significantly improve […]

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Six Sigma, Kaizen, or Lean

Six Sigma, Kaizen, or Lean? What is the Difference?

Six Sigma, Kaizen, and Lean. You might have heard of them. People throw these termsĀ around a lot nowadays, often interchangeably. But what do they mean? What makes them different? And are they so similar? Remember, each tool solves specific, specialized problems. This article will help you get to the bottom of this mystery so you […]

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outpatient care, healthcare, lean six sigma, healthcare, quality, 6sigma.us

Outpatient Care: Delivery of Quality Care Struggles

The United States has spent more than a decade trying to improve the quality of outpatient healthcare delivery. The industry has tried various initiatives to address the quality of care and the inherent value of services to patients, without significant improvement. They have addressed the issues of unnecessary procedures and implemented alternative payments models to […]

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Image: Mark Graban - Experience Change

Lean Healthcare: Spend Some Time with an Expert

Across the broad practice of Lean, Six Sigma and Quality, there are many experts. All have various levels of knowledge and experience that create a certain value in their practice. Some of the leading experts have truly exemplified themselves in the practice. Years of education, hard work and diligent devotion to mastery of their craft […]

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Image: Six Sigma Training - Anaheim/Los Angeles

Upcoming Six Sigma Training: Anaheim/Los Angeles

2016 is here and training is in full swing at 6Sigma.us. We spent the last part of 2015 planning dynamic training agendas, with a global reach! With that in mind, we would like to invite you to join us in sunny Southern California for a comprehensive Six Sigma training event. During this event, we will […]

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Businessman Brainstorming About Right Choices

Is It Six Sigma or Quality That You Want?

There once was a well-established hospital in a suburban community. Try, try, and try they did to reduce costs and improve quality. With each effort, they failed and the frustration grew. Executives, after exhausting all options, finally implemented a Six Sigma program. Leaders were excited for their community hospital, eagerly anticipating the potential windfall of […]

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nurse caring for patient

As Six Sigma Heals Healthcare, We Must Keep Patient Care in First Place

Six Sigma continues to inject health into the healthcare system. More than ever, hospitals are seeing the need to engage with a Six Sigma program. These programs are providing significant improvements in quality and reductions in operating costs. Of course, the best results from a healthcare perspective have been improvements in patient satisfaction. The problem […]

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LEAN Day at the Hospital

A LEAN Day at the Hospital

A dozen people gather for their early morning meeting. The noise of the hustle and bustle of the normal hospital operations fade as the door closes and they settle in to the task at hand. The gathered group represents all specialties of service within the hospital (nurses, nursing assistants, housekeepers, and maintenance and support staff). […]

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